;[文件名称]: 龙之谷破解测试3.pb
;[文件版本]: 0,0,0,3
;[文件数量]: 单文件
;[程序名称]: 迷路解析器-龙之谷V0.03
;[开发语言]: PureBasic4.0
;[测试平台]: WinXP(SP3)
;[开 发 者]: 迷路仟[QQ:714095563]
;[开发时间]: 2010.7.12
;====== 自定义数据库文件类型结构
- Structure TypeDataFile
- FullName$
- Address.l
- Size.l
- Other3.l
- Other4.l
- Other5.l
- EndStructure
- Global NewList _ListFile.TypeDataFile() ;用来存放各个类型资源文件解析出来的文件的名称,指针地址,大小
- Global NewList _ListShowFile.TypeDataFile()
- Global NewList _ListPath$() ;用来存放各个解析分来的文件夹的路径
- Global NewList _OptimalPath()
- Global NewList _SetListPath$() ;用来存放树形控件中子项的信息
- Global _FileCount.l
- Global _GameName$ = “[龙之谷]”
- Global _GameResource$
- Global _IsLoad = #False
- Global WinWidth = 600
- Global WinHeight = 450
- ;字体计量转换
- Procedure.s FileSizeToBKM( FileSize )
- If FileSize >1000
- FileSizeF.f = FileSize / 1024
- If FileSizeF > 1000
- FileSizeF = FileSizeF / 1024
- FileSize$ = StrF(FileSizeF ,2) + ” M”
- Else
- FileSize$ = StrF(FileSizeF,2) + ” K”
- EndIf
- Else
- FileSize$ = Str(FileSize) + ” B”
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn FileSize$
- EndProcedure
- ;截取指定N个“\”的路径,整理用的
- Procedure.s GetNumPath( Path$, PathNum )
- Count = CountString(Path$, “\“)
- ReturnPath$ = “\“
- If Count > = PathNum : Count = PathNum : EndIf
- For i = 2 To Count
- ReturnPath$ = ReturnPath$ + StringField(Path$, i, “\“) + “\“
- Next
- ProcedureReturn ReturnPath$
- EndProcedure
- ;将同类文件的路径归类,整理用的
- Procedure OptimalNumPath(PathNum)
- Count = CountList( _ListPath$() ) – 1
- While i < Count
- SelectElement(_ListPath$(),i)
- NumPath$ = GetNumPath( _ListPath$(), PathNum )
- For k = i + 1 To Count
- SelectElement(_ListPath$(),k)
- Path$ = _ListPath$()
- NewNumPath$ = GetNumPath(Path$, PathNum )
- If NumPath$ = NewNumPath$
- DeleteElement(_ListPath$())
- SelectElement(_ListPath$(),i)
- InsertElement(_ListPath$())
- _ListPath$() = Path$
- i = i + 1
- EndIf
- Next
- i = i + 1
- Wend
- EndProcedure
- ;将所有的路径进行整理归类,整理用的
- Procedure OptimalPath()
- For PathNum = 2 To 5
- OptimalNumPath(PathNum)
- Next
- EndProcedure
- ;构建控件
- Procedure CreateGadgets()
- ;构建菜单
- If CreateMenu(0, WindowID(0))
- MenuTitle(“文件“)
- MenuItem(11, “打开资源” )
- MenuItem(12, “刷新资源” )
- MenuItem(13, “关闭资源” )
- MenuBar()
- MenuItem(19, “退出” )
- MenuTitle(“资源“)
- MenuItem(21, “虚拟文件另存为” )
- MenuItem(22, “替换虚拟文件” )
- MenuTitle(“联系QQ:714095563[迷路仟]“)
- EndIf
- ;构建状态栏
- If CreateStatusBar(0, WindowID(0))
- AddStatusBarField(250)
- AddStatusBarField(500)
- StatusBarText(0, 0, “欢迎使用[迷路系列解析器]“, #PB_StatusBar_BorderLess | #PB_StatusBar_Center)
- StatusBarText(0, 1, “ – 迷路制造 – “, #PB_StatusBar_BorderLess )
- EndIf
- ;构建弹出菜单
- If CreatePopupImageMenu(1, #PB_Menu_ModernLook)
- MenuItem(21, “虚拟文件另存为” )
- MenuItem(22, “替换虚拟文件” )
- EndIf
- ;构建窗体
- Width = WinWidth – 20
- Height = WinHeight – 60
- TreeGadget ( 1001, 0, 0, 0, 0, #PB_Tree_AlwaysShowSelection )
- ListIconGadget( 1002, 0, 0, 0, 0, “序“,40, #PB_ListIcon_FullRowSelect|#PB_ListIcon_AlwaysShowSelection|#PB_ListIcon_HeaderDragDrop)
- SplitterGadget( 1000, 0, 0, 400, 0, 1001, 1002, #PB_Splitter_Vertical )
- SetGadgetColor( 1001, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $F4CF94 )
- SetGadgetColor( 1002, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $CDE2BE )
- SetGadgetState( 1000, 120 )
- AddGadgetColumn ( 1002, 1, “文件名“, 200)
- ColText$ = “文件名,地址,大小(10),大小(16),解压后大小[10],解压后大小[16],附加信息,特征码“
- For i = 2 To 8
- Text$ = StringField(ColText$, i, “,“)
- AddGadgetColumn ( 1002, i, Text$, 100)
- Next
- ListViewSpalte.LV_COLUMN
- ListViewSpalte\mask = #LVCF_FMT
- ListViewSpalte\fmt = #LVCFMT_RIGHT
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(1002), #LVM_SETCOLUMN, 0, @ListViewSpalte)
- ;SendMessage_(GadgetID(1002), #LVM_SETCOLUMN, 1, @ListViewSpalte)
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(1002), #LVM_SETCOLUMN, 3, @ListViewSpalte)
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(1002), #LVM_SETCOLUMN, 5, @ListViewSpalte)
- EndProcedure
- ;菜单可用性定义
- Procedure DisableMenuGadget( Disable )
- DisableMenuItem(0,11,(Disable>>7)&1)
- DisableMenuItem(0,12,(Disable>>6)&1)
- DisableMenuItem(0,13,(Disable>>5)&1)
- DisableMenuItem(0,19,(Disable>>4)&1)
- DisableMenuItem(0,21,(Disable>>3)&1)
- DisableMenuItem(0,22,(Disable>>2)&1)
- DisableMenuItem(1,21,(Disable>>1)&1)
- DisableMenuItem(1,22,(Disable>>0)&1)
- EndProcedure
- ;文件夹列表初始化
- Procedure LoadToTreeGadget( GadgetID )
- ClearGadgetItemList(GadgetID)
- AddGadgetItem ( GadgetID, -1, “请选择[文件][打开资源]“, 0, 0)
- StatusBarText(0, 1, “ – 迷路制造 – “, #PB_StatusBar_BorderLess )
- DisableMenuGadget( %01101111 )
- EndProcedure
- ;将文件夹加载到文件夹列表中
- Procedure NewListToTreeGadget( GadgetID, FileName$ )
- Dim FloorName$(6)
- ;====== 初始化树形控件中的子项信息
- OptimalPath() ;整理路径,整理用的
- ClearGadgetItemList(GadgetID) ;清空树形控件
- ClearList(_SetListPath$()) ;清空树形控件中的子项信息
- AddElement(_SetListPath$())
- _SetListPath$() = “\”
- Path$ = _GameName$ + “ — ” + GetFilePart(FileName$)
- AddGadgetItem ( GadgetID, -1, Path$, 0, 0)
- ;====== 加载到树形控件
- ForEach _ListPath$()
- Floor = CountString(_ListPath$(),”\“) – 1
- If Floor > 0
- For Index = 1 To Floor
- FoldName$ = StringField(_ListPath$(),Index + 1,”\“)
- If FloorName$(Index) <> FoldName$
- FloorName$(Index) = FoldName$
- AddGadgetItem(GadgetID, -1, FoldName$ , 0, Index)
- Text$ = “\“
- For i = 1 To Index
- Text$ = Text$ + FloorName$(i) + “\“
- Next
- AddElement(_SetListPath$())
- _SetListPath$() = Text$
- EndIf
- Next
- EndIf
- Next
- StatusBarText(0, 1, “共有[” + Str(CountList(_SetListPath$())) + “]个文件夹和[” + Str(_FileCount) + “]个文件.“)
- _IsLoad = #True
- SetGadgetItemState(1001, 0, #PB_Tree_Expanded)
- EndProcedure
- ;加载指定文件夹中的文件
- Procedure NewListToListGadget( )
- If _IsLoad = #True
- ListIndex = GetGadgetState(1001)
- SelectElement(_SetListPath$(), ListIndex)
- ClearGadgetItemList( 1002 )
- ClearList(_ListShowFile()) ;清空树形控件中的子项信息
- ForEach _ListFile()
- If GetPathPart(_ListFile()\FullName$) = _SetListPath$()
- AddElement(_ListShowFile())
- _ListShowFile()\FullName$ = GetFilePart(_ListFile()\FullName$)
- _ListShowFile()\Address = _ListFile()\Address
- _ListShowFile()\Size = _ListFile()\Size
- Size1$ = FileSizeToBKM( _ListFile()\Size )
- Size2$ = FileSizeToBKM( _ListFile()\Other4 )
- ;”序,文件名,地址,大小(10),大小(16),解压后大小[10],解压后大小[16],附加信息,特征码“
- Count = Count + 1
- Text$ = RSet(Str(Count), 4, “0“) + Chr(10) ;序
- Text$ = Text$ + GetFilePart(_ListFile()\FullName$) + Chr(10) ;文件名
- Text$ = Text$ + “0x” + RSet(HexQ(_ListFile()\Address),8,”0“) + Chr(10) ;地址
- Text$ = Text$ + Size1$ + Chr(10) ;大小(10)
- Text$ = Text$ + HexQ(_ListFile()\Size) + Chr(10) ;大小(16)
- Text$ = Text$ + Size2$ + Chr(10) ;解压后大小[10]
- Text$ = Text$ + HexQ(_ListFile()\Other4) + Chr(10) ;解压后大小[16]
- Text$ = Text$ + HexQ(_ListFile()\Other3) + Chr(10) ;附加信息,
- Text$ = Text$ + HexQ(_ListFile()\Other5) + Chr(10) ;特征码,
- AddGadgetItem( 1002,-1, Text$ )
- EndIf
- Next
- StatusBarText(0, 1, “在虚拟目录[” + _SetListPath$() + “]下,共有[” + Str(Count) + “]个文件.“)
- EndIf
- EndProcedure
- ;加载数据到链表
- Procedure LoadDataToNewList( GadgetID, FileName$)
- ;打开 <游戏资源文件>
- FileHandle = CreateFile_(FileName$, $40000000 | $80000000, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0)
- If FileHandle >0
- ;====== 读取资源文件的头部信息
- FileSize = FileSize(FileName$)
- ReadSize = $110
- *MemoryID = AllocateMemory(ReadSize)
- Paddess = SetFilePointer_(FileHandle, 0, 0, 0) ;获取资源文件起始地址的指针
- ReadFile_(FileHandle, *MemoryID, ReadSize, @Paddess, 0) ;加载资源文件
- ;====== 获取关键的资源文件信息
- _FileCount = PeekL(*MemoryID + $104) ;文件的数量
- Pos = PeekL(*MemoryID + $108) ;文件索引的起始位置
- ;====== 加载资源文件索引部分的内容
- FileSize = FileSize – Pos
- *MemoryID = ReAllocateMemory(*MemoryID, FileSize)
- Paddess = SetFilePointer_(FileHandle, Pos, 0, 0) ;获取资源文件起始地址的指针
- ReadFile_(FileHandle, *MemoryID, FileSize, @Paddess, 0) ;加载资源文件
- ;====== 关闭资源文件
- CloseHandle_(FileHandle)
- Else
- MessageRequester(“出错提示“, “找不到” + FileName$ + “]资源文件…” )
- ProcedureReturn -1
- EndIf
- Pos = 0
- ;====== 清空链表
- ClearList(_ListFile())
- ClearList(_ListPath$())
- ;====== 加载文件信息到链表
- For i = 1 To _FileCount
- AddElement(_ListFile())
- _ListFile()\FullName$ = PeekS(*MemoryID + Pos) ;获取文件的全名称
- _ListFile()\Address = PeekL(*MemoryID + Pos + $10C)
- _ListFile()\Size = PeekL(*MemoryID + Pos + $100)
- _ListFile()\Other3 = PeekL(*MemoryID + Pos + $108)
- _ListFile()\Other4 = PeekL(*MemoryID + Pos + $104)
- _ListFile()\Other5 = PeekL(*MemoryID + Pos + $110)
- ;====== 加载新的路径
- Path$ = GetPathPart(_ListFile()\FullName$) ;获取文件的路径
- If FilePath$ <> Path$
- AddElement(_ListPath$())
- _ListPath$() = Path$
- FilePath$ = Path$
- EndIf
- ;====== 步进到下一个文件内存地址
- Pos = Pos + $13C
- Files = Files + 1
- Next
- NewListToTreeGadget( GadgetID, FileName$ )
- MessageRequester(“解析完成“, “总共解析出 [” + Str(_FileCount) + “] 个文件.“)
- EndProcedure
- ;加载游戏资源
- Procedure OpenResourceFile( )
- StandardFile$ = “Resource00.pak”
- Pattern$ = “资源文件(*.pak)|*.pak“
- Pattern = 0
- FileName$ = OpenFileRequester(“请选择” + GameName$ + “的资源文件“, StandardFile$, Pattern$, Pattern)
- If FileSize(FileName$)>0
- _GameResource$ = FileName$
- LoadDataToNewList(1001, _GameResource$)
- DisableMenuGadget( %00001111 )
- Else
- MessageRequester(“错误提示“, “您指定的文件不存在.“, 0)
- EndIf
- EndProcedure
- ;虚拟文件另存为
- Procedure SaveAsResourceFile( GadgetID, FileName$ )
- ListIndex = GetGadgetState(GadgetID)
- If ListIndex <0 : ProcedureReturn : EndIf
- ;打开 <游戏资源文件>
- FileHandle = CreateFile_(FileName$, $40000000 | $80000000, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0)
- If FileHandle >0
- SelectElement(_ListShowFile(), ListIndex)
- ;====== 读取资源文件的头部信息
- FileSize = _ListShowFile()\Size
- *MemoryID = AllocateMemory(FileSize)
- Paddess = SetFilePointer_(FileHandle, _ListShowFile()\Address, 0, 0) ;获取资源文件起始地址的指针
- ReadFile_(FileHandle, *MemoryID, FileSize, @Paddess, 0) ;加载资源文件
- ;====== 关闭资源文件
- CloseHandle_(FileHandle)
- Pattern$ = “虚拟文件(*.*)|*.*“
- StandardFile$ = _ListShowFile()\FullName$
- Pattern = 0
- File$ = SaveFileRequester(“请选择要另存为的位置“, StandardFile$, Pattern$, Pattern)
- If File$
- If FileSize(File$)>0
- Text$ = File$ + Chr(10) + “指定位置已经有同名文件存在” + Chr(10) + “是否要替代文件?“
- Msg = MessageRequester(“提示“,Text$ , #PB_MessageRequester_YesNo )
- If Msg = #PB_MessageRequester_No : ProcedureReturn -1 : EndIf
- EndIf
- If CreateFile(1, File$) ;生成 资源文件
- WriteData(1, *MemoryID, FileSize )
- CloseFile(1)
- Else
- MessageRequester(“提示“, “存放文件时出错“, 16)
- End
- EndIf
- Text$ = “虚拟文件:[” + _ListShowFile()\FullName$ + “]提取到 ” + Chr(10)
- Text$ = Text$ + “[” + File$ + “]成功, ” + Chr(10) + “并保存为独立文件. “
- MessageRequester(“提取成功“, Text$, 0)
- Else
- MessageRequester(“提示“, “请选择要存放的文件夹及文件名称“, 16)
- EndIf
- Else
- MessageRequester(“出错提示“, “找不到” + FileName$ + “]资源文件…” )
- ProcedureReturn -1
- EndIf
- EndProcedure
- ;菜单事件
- Procedure My_Event_Menu()
- Select EventMenu()
- Case 11; “打开资源”
- ClearGadgetItemList(1002)
- OpenResourceFile()
- _IsLoad = #True
- Case 12;”刷新资源“
- ClearGadgetItemList(1002) ;清空树形控件
- LoadDataToNewList(1001, _GameResource$)
- Case 13;”关闭资源”
- ClearGadgetItemList(1001) ;清空树形控件
- ClearGadgetItemList(1002) ;清空树形控件
- _IsLoad = #False
- LoadToTreeGadget( 1001 )
- Case 19;”退出“
- Quit = #True
- Case 21;”虚拟文件另存为“
- SaveAsResourceFile( 1002, _GameResource$ )
- Case 22;”替换虚拟文件“
- ;………此部分内容删除
- MessageRequester(“替换虚拟文件“,”为了游戏开发商与运营商的利益,此功能不对外开放. “, 16)
- EndSelect
- EndProcedure
- ;控件事件
- Procedure My_Event_Gadget()
- Select EventGadget()
- Case 1001
- If EventType() = #PB_EventType_LeftDoubleClick
- NewListToListGadget( )
- EndIf
- Case 1002
- If GetGadgetState(1002) >= 0
- DisableMenuGadget( %00000101 )
- If EventType() = #PB_EventType_RightClick
- DisplayPopupMenu(1, WindowID(0))
- EndIf
- Else
- DisableMenuGadget( %00001111 )
- EndIf
- EndSelect
- EndProcedure
- ;主程序部分
- WinFlags.l = #PB_Window_ScreenCentered|#PB_Window_MinimizeGadget|#PB_Window_MaximizeGadget
- WinFlags = WinFlags | #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_SizeGadget
- If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight, “迷路[龙之谷]解析器V0.03″, WinFlags)
- If CreateGadgetList(WindowID(0))
- CreateGadgets()
- LoadToTreeGadget( 1001 )
- Repeat
- WinEventID = WaitWindowEvent()
- Select WinEventID
- Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
- Quit = #True
- Case #PB_Event_SizeWindow
- If EventWindow() = 0
- Width = WindowWidth(0) – 20
- Height = WindowHeight(0) – 60
- ResizeGadget(1000, 10, 10, Width, Height)
- EndIf
- Case #PB_Event_Menu
- My_Event_Menu()
- Case #PB_Event_Gadget
- My_Event_Gadget()
- EndSelect
- Until Quit = #True
- EndIf
- EndIf
- End
榴莲大神写的一个龙之谷DNT编辑工具 DNTEditor
龙之谷补丁工坊 v2.4 用于打包和解包龙之谷客户端PAK的工具
龙之谷 超级DNT ACT编辑器1.5.2
© 版权声明